Virtual coaching works!!

College classes for Fall are starting soon.  Check out these reasons why students benefit from connecting to an independent and long distance college success coach: People like the comfort of their own place for private coaching. Freedom to share life concerns and dreams with independent person who only cares about their success and happiness. Being …

Inspired global learning

Light for life: My work and volunteer journey years ago was taking youth on week long service trips – through church summer mission trips and college spring break trips. Each trip had some elements of transformation and growth.  I’d spent time wondering what it would be like to create personal leadership adventures, but had let that …

Life Learner Coach

QUESTION: What happens when an creatively inspired teacher mixes life coaching practices with purposeful discovery, appreciative education, and life-long learning? ANSWER: A positively energized Life Learner! I am a Student of Life in many ways.  My teachers come through the people I meet, expanding life experiences, and the multiple connections I make. Shared wisdom and reflective introspection contribute in the weaving of …

7 Principles of Learning

"There does not now exist, nor will there ever exist, any single theory of learning that is broad enough to account for all types of learning yet specific enough to be maximally useful in practical application." --- Dr. Christian J. Weibell, PhD

Let Life Live Through You

Let life live through you.

Be simply and unapologetically you because you are awesome

Moving Students Forward

Transition Tools and Tidbits

Life Design Catalyst

Inspires Change


Changing the aging landscape through engagement and communications


Sharing art, inspiration, and other shenanigans.


Visiting Angels - we care every day in every way... helpful tips on aging


Sharedimpulse is a collection of thoughts that need to go somewhere.